Brian Bonsignore, is a proud NYC fireman (he participated in the rescue efforts of 9/11) in need of the best tomatoes. He found us on the internet when he was searching for, guess what, “best tomatoes” (how cool is that?) and learned about Gustiamo and our Miracolo di San Gennaro.
November 3rd is the date. Where? Myrtle Beach. What? Tomato Sauce contest. How many contestants? 20 normal people (ie. not chefs) including Brian who can’t boil an egg.
Brian is determined to win. John Bonsignor (he dropped the e. We will ask why.), Brian’s father, who has been living in Myrtle Beach for many years, knows everybody there, practically is the mayor of the town… would be so so proud if Brian wins!
So, not only did Brian purchase the Miracle (and many Italy’s Best Foods), we gave him our recipe, also. Brian, in case you misplaced your notebook, here it is: take a pan; put it on medium fire; brown 2 cloves of garlic in 2 spoons of EVOO (the Pianogrillo you purchased); when garlic is gold (not before, not after), discard the garlic; put in the tomatoes; a pinch of sea salt; cook 5-10 minutes. Keep it simple, the judges will taste and dream they are on Mount Vesuvio.
Will Brian win? He has the best tomatoes. A prayer would help, too. To be continued!
where can i buy these tomatoes in the ft. lauderdale/miami area