Gustiamo was given the highest honor, last night, when we went to meet Enzo Coccia, the famous pizzaiolo from Naples who flew to NY to help Donatella Arpaia open her Donatella Pizzeria. The highest honor was that Enzo literally opened the Pizzeria for us, turned on the oven, prepared the most spectacular pizza. ONLY for us! Why all this attention? Because Gustiamo is the importer of Piennolo Vine Tomatoes from Casa Barone in America and Enzo wants to make sure we will continue to provide these gems to the pizzeria forever. In fact, on the menu, the signature dish, Pizza Donatella, is made with Piennolo Tomatoes. Enzo is a celebrity in Naples, he makes one of the best pizza in Italy and ONLY uses Piennolo Tomatoes by Casa Barone. And you? What do you use on your pizza?
Click on the video above, and you’ll see Enzo Coccia in action. In Italian. Boldly proud, as his pizza is delicious. In the video, you’ll see Jarrett, the executive chef and Salvio, Enzo’s neapolitan assistant who will remain in NYC for 2 more months, to make really really sure the pizza is perfect. Grazie a tutti!

Very interesting to see how that pizza is made! It is so different to the german pizze I used to know, and the american ones I see here now.
So this is how pizza was originally meant to be? I can almost smell the great aroma…
Is the mozzarella added on top of the baked pizza in the end? That is how it looked to me. The mozzarella looked also real to me, not like what is sold here under that name.
Next time I come to New York, I will get me a Donatella pizza there, I really want to try that!
ooohhh are right…the original pizza is exactly this…it was so amazing..incredible aroma!!
we also had the “Margherita Schizzata(splashed)”…with real mozzarella and tomatoes on the top (usually the margherita is tomatoes and mozzarella on the top)…unique..amazing
Now that I write.. Enzo, Jarrett, Salvio I have to come back soon! Tonight…!