Wonder how one feels when your name is put in a list with the likes of the Washington Post, National Geographic, the Wall Street Journal…? You feel little, humble and so not deserving of this honor!!! This is what happened to me, the other day. Out of the blue, a Google alert hit my inbox with the link to the NYTimes online. Wiped my glasses, was it spam? I kept reading the link again and again. No, it was NOT a joke, it was real. It’s the “What We’re Reading” list aggregated by the journalists of the NYTimes and Julia Moskin is reading us. She says: “Gustiamo (link to GustiBlog): One of the most personable voices in the food blogosphere: Beatrice Ughi, an owner of Gustiamo, Bronx purveyor of top-of the-line Italian ingredients…” I was and am amazed! Not deserving, but MUCH MUCH appreciated! Grazie mille!!!
The New York Times Is Reading the GustiBlog