From now until the first days of 2024 we will be eating lentils on repeat. Portano fortuna per l’anno nuovo!
As Italian tradition has it, the more lentils you eat in the last days of the year, the more wealth, luck, and prosperity you’ll have in the new year. This legend was born from the shape of these tiny legumes. Small, round, almost shiny, our brilliantly multicolored Lenticchia Minuta do look like old coins.
Bio Alberti Lentil facts: 
• Made by the Alberti family in the green heart of Italy, Umbria;
• Grown following strict organic practices;
• A protein, iron, magnesium, fiber powerhouse;
• A real and natural plant based meat alternative;
• The perfect match for a drizzle of Olio Nuovo from Umbria;
• Delicately nutty flavor, almost meaty savoriness, satisfying al dente texture, imperceptible skin
Hearty and comforting, this superstitious food has become an end-of-year habit at Gustiamo; and one that leaves a lot of room for creativity! Lentils with sausage as the classic NYE supper calls for, pasta con le lenticchie for a vegetarian main, or a rustic and warming lentil stew. Whether it’s for fortune, flavor, or folklore, you should not end 2023 without Bio Alberti Lentils on your table.