Gold Medal La Quagliera

Prisca and her son proudly holding their award
Prisca and her son proudly holding their award

La Quagliera, extra virgin olive oil made by Prisca Montani in Abruzzo, is a gold medal winner! It won first place for the single varietal olive oil category in the Italian Olive Oil competition Sol D’Oro International 16th edition.

Indeed, La Quagliera is one of the finest single varietals out there! It is made with 100% Dritta olives, a local olive variety from Abruzzo. As Prisca says in the video below, this wonderful EVOO is moderately spicy, with notes of artichokes, tomatoes, and it is full of polyphenols, olive oil’s precious antioxidant.

The Sol D’Oro prize is very prestigious. We are so happy for you, Prisca. Auguri! We are enjoying your award winning 2013/14 harvest EVOO so much.

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  1. Marika Ujvari says:

    I was just reading about this in the book “Family Meals” by Michael Tucker. Where can I buy this oil??

  2. Where can I buy this oil??

  3. Leslie Rowe says:

    Where can I buy this olive oil

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