This is a note we received from Gianna Banducci, a young friend of Gustiamo’s. While our days are now busy busy picking and packing your gifts, this is a gift to Gustiamo and we cherish it dearly. Grazie Gianna!!!
“As someone who subscribes to the philosophy of Slow Food, I am always eager to discover companies and organizations that promote this movement. Recently, I was introduced to Stefano Noceti during my quest to learn more about the Slow Food university in Italy, L’Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche. As a graduate of the school, Stefano provided much insight into his experience in the Master program. In the midst of our communication, Stefano mentioned his current role at Gustiamo. As soon as I visited the website, I was immediately enamored with the products sold by Gustiamo. I wasted no time in placing an order for Christmas gifts for my family. As Italy prides itself on regional fares created by food artisans, I value buying Italian foods that have been produced based on traditional and sustainable practices. Gustiamo excels in creating the experience of meeting, understanding, and purchasing from these artisans despite the distance from Italy. In reading the unique story presented about each Italian producer on the Gustiamo website, it felt as if I was purchasing directly from them. Even when receiving my food items in the mail, I got the feeling of buying from a local, small-scale producer. So, if you’re a believer in Slow Food and are looking for memorable gastronomic gifts for the holidays, I highly recommend Gustiamo, particularly the Vicopisano olive oil. Gianna Banducci”
Gustiamo, our friends / Gustiamo's Gifts / Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil / Slow Food / Vicopisano Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Slow Food and memorable gastronomic gifts

Thank you Giovanna for your recommendation
🙂 Nicola Bovoli