Street Food Palermo. Benvenuti!

Palermo Street FoodBenvenuti to Palermo Street Food. Salvo Agusta, who speaks in this video, is your street food sherpa in Palermo. Watch the video and see what you are up to when you go to visit this enchanting city. At the end, Salvo will offer you a bottle of Champagna Vucciria, ie Forst beer, bottled in Palermo, the cheapest and tastiest, Salvo says. Benvenuti!

What a charming, knowledgeable and educated young man. It is a pleasure to explore the most hidden corners of the markets and the alleys. Salvo knows everybody and all the street vendors love him. Salvo will tell you with pride that Palermo is ranked one of the five most important cities for street food in the world.

jpegSalvo can hold a conversation on the eternal question, even among Palermitani, of what “maritata” and “schietta” mean, when you order Pane con la Meusa (bread and spleen). Not my favorite, but I had to try it, since Danielle said it was delicious. Love you Danielle, but not my thing.

Not a problem, I have plenty of other street food in Palermo to choose from: pane e panelle, crocche’, rascatuni, steamed octopus (to be on the light side), arancine, spitini, sfincione. Yes, I tried them all. But I would not have had the courage or the strength, if I went alone. You need to go with the experts. Palermo Street Food! A completely different experience.

Join the Conversation

  1. Lorenzo Contini says:

    I know quite well Palermo and its fabulous street food! Panelle are definitely unforgettable! Honestly speaking, bread and spleen has a really strong taste and it’s too much for me! “Palermitani” are wonderful people!


  2. Danielle @Gustiamo Author says:

    I agree! Except I like pane ca meusa! Strong but good.

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