Any confusion about what capers are? You’re probably more confused when you’re offered caperberries or (in Italian) cucunci? Here is ever more charming Gabriele Lasagni, from Pantelleria Island, to shed some light on the issue.
After having told us why his Pantelleria capers are the best (watch the previous video, if, God Forbid, you missed it), Gabriele explains that capers are the buds, the little things which appear before the flowers while the caperberries (Cucunci) are the fruits of the caper plant. So, if you don’t pick the capers, they will become flowers, which in turn, will become caperberries. Cucunci have an oblong shape and are bigger that the capers.
You eat them in salads, as an accompaniment to cold cuts and cheeses, or with your favorite pre dinner drink [they are perfect with your Martini]. Watch the video below (click the arrow) and learn about this fantastic product!
You forgot the main use: in the tomato sauce for pasta, with some wild thyme! Much better than the caper blossoms.
Thank you for bringing to USA these delicacies: you are the best!