It takes five months to macerate the anchovies in a chestnut wooden barrel, then a hole is made in the bottom of the barrel and, drop by drop, the Colatura is born. It’s an amber color liquid (only anchovies and sea salt) and enhances any dish! Click the video below and learn from the Association Amici delle Alici, a group of young men whose objective is to promote and monitor the centuries old process, which makes the Colatura di Alici . BTW, this Association’s president name is Mr. Pesce. How appropriate is that!?! The video is in Italian and I took it at the Salone del Gusto in Torino, last year. Giulio is the star in the video; Giulio, his brother Enzo and Enzo’s wife Raffaella make our wonderful Colatura di Alici.
Colatura di Alici – Anchovy Sauce

We have visited Cetara and enjoyed this sauce! If you’re not going to be there soon and want to try it, the wonderful ladies at Gustiamo have got you covered!