President-elect Barack Obama’s favorite restaurant in Chicago is Spiaggia. As reported by our friend Stefano Spadoni, Barack and Michelle Obama went to Spiaggia to celebrate their wedding anniversary on October 3rd and to celebrate the election victory, last Saturday. One more reason for us to rejoice. I just returned from Italy, where everybody is smiling at Americans, again. He starts well, great choice; Martina and I, in different trips, had dinner at Spiaggia and can attest that the food is superlative. Also, Tony, the executive chef, has been a customer of Gustiamo for many years. We love him and his wife Cathy. This is what they once wrote: “… Through your hard work of bringing these unique products to us, we are able to relive our fondest food and travel memories while holding on to the culture and traditions of Italy that mean so much to us. For that we are truly grateful.” Nice, eh? Especially coming from the people who are feeding the next president of the United States!
Barack Obama’s Favorite Restaurant

Love Spiaggia. Thank goodness our President Elect has such good taste. Years ago, during a family lunch there, Paul Bartolotta, then Executive Chef, suggested that I drop out of school and cook in Europe. I listened. Spiaggia is a standout place — I think everyone who visits feels its transformative qualities.
sono partite le bottiglie di olio nuovo e sono le primissime. Infatti troverai la “numero 1”..
visto che frequenti e lavori con i ristoranti che frequenta Obama, la numero uno è per lui: un regalo da Parco dei Buoi
Un caro saluto!
p.s. ne ho parlato giusto stamattina qui:
Caro Francesco, we can’t wait to receive bottle #1! and 2, 3, 4… We’ll send it to Tony Mantuano, the chef at Spiaggia and hopefully, he will deliver.
grazie mille,
Sounds great,wish i was around in that area to try out the services
Well, having to be referred to as Pres. Barack Obama’s favorite restaurant, it obviously means that the place is amazing! The staff and crew of Spiaggia must really be happy to serve and be recognized by the president himself. It is truly an honor to be named as the President’s favorite restaurant!
Daphne, they are proud! Now, if only we knew what kind of pasta Pres. Obama ate as his primo piatto!