Getting Ready for Thanksgiving – Part 2


First tip: buy the best turkey you can find.

After long researches, we selected Veritas Farms in New Paltz, New York, where Stephanie Turco raises Narragansetts Heritage turkeys. She might have a few left. Call 845-384-6888 or email her. We’ll pick up our turkeys next Wednesday at the green market near home. Even if we wanted, there will be no time for brining. It looks like brining went out of fashion; it is useless and Stephanie agrees.  Good, one less thing to think about. Stephanie also sends her favorite recipe. Good, one more less thing to think about. But I don’t own a V-shaped rack? Do I really need it?

The second tip is that you need to follow instructions.

This is how my honey cake looked like, when I did it three nights ago. A completeHoney cake bad disaster, a real killer for your baking ego.  I didn’t follow the instructions; I had forgotten the oil during the making and thought I would just add it at the end. It doesn’t work that way.  There is no creativity and flexibility with pastries, as Anne says, liquid with liquid and solids with solids. Go figure. I did it again last night, followed instructions with trepidation and think I succeeded. Don’t know, yet, because I have to wait till Thanksgiving, when they are mature.

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