Grated tuna bottarga is a little savory marine tang in a jar. Tuna bottarga has a stronger taste of fish than mullet bottarga. This bottarga made with egg roe of Sicilian Bluefin Tuna caught by the Testa family is particularly bold! Grated bottarga can be used straight from the jar to make a Sicilian classic spaghetti con bottarga with abundant olive oil. With just a few sprinkles, add rich, salty, umami flavor to any other pasta dish, bitter greens, mashed potatoes, eggs any style, artichokes, or fresh vegetables - wherever you’d like to liven things up with the fresh taste of the sea! more
Our tuna bottarga from producer Testa Conserve in Sicilia is made from the roe (egg) pouch of the Mediterranean Tonno Rosso. Based in Catania, fishmongers and bluefin tuna connoisseur Testa family continue to prepare tuna bottarga with artisanal methods generations old.
These Mediterranean Bluefin Tuna are fished by Testa Conserve with their fishing boat Atlante, exclusively in the waters around Sicily. They wouldn’t waste a bone of all the bounty that the Mediterranean sea offers them. Following Sicilian traditions, each part of the tuna is cherished and used for different recipes. The tuna eggs are skillfully extracted, washed, purified, salted, and cured into a dry hard slab. They are then sliced into pieces and packaged by hand, allowing you to enjoy the rich flavor of the Mediterranean all year long.