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Since 1999, Gustiamo has been importing the most authentic food from Italian farmers and artisans who are dedicated to their land and traditions. For the readers of Food & Wine, Gustiamo has pulled together a gift box featuring the flavors from this article: Colatura di Alici, produced by drawing off the liquid given off by curing anchovies under salt, is an easy way to add concentrated umami anchovy flavor to a dish. (Stumped for how to use it? A print-out of the closely guarded family recipe for Spaghetti con La Colatura from the maker, Raffaella of Nettuno, and a some bronze-die-cut Martelli spaghetti, will get you started.)
Two more favorite producers are represented by Dani Coop San Marzano Tomatoes, from a Campania consortium of tomato farmers, and meaty La Nicchia salted capers, cured and packed in Trapani sea salt.
To sweeten the deal, you’ll find Marco Colzani’s chocolate hazelnut spread and pistachio spread, complex asphodel honey from Sardinia, and a delicate white fig jam from farmer Francesco Vastola.

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Are you part of a company who has 10 or more gifts to send? The Gustiamo [not so] Corporate Gift Program is the answer.