BRAC, Grazie Mille

We recently popped-up for the Bronx River Art Center; that is we threw a popup dinner in honor of our beloved community art center. It was a huge success. Everyone in attendance had a wonderful time. Here’s what Gail Nathan, BRAC’s Executive Director and friend of Gustiamo for 15+ years, said after the dinner:

Gail-Nathans-Thank-You-1-580x386“Dear BRAC friends and patrons, it was such a pleasure to dine with you earlier this month on that magical evening, in that unique setting at Gustiamos warehouse. What wonderful friends Beatrice and her team (Danielle, Edoardo, Frances, and more) have been to BRAC over the years, and what truly gracious hosts they were that evening. It was particularly heartwarming to see some of our oldest supporters in the room, as well as to meet several new patrons who were game to come out and try something different by way of a fundraiser event. I hope to see you all again at our next in a series of ‘friend’ building activities that we intend to produce with regularity up to the grand re-opening of our building in early 2016.

I wish you all a wonderful summer and if you happen to be out on City Island anytime this season, please call me and come by for a “Gustiamo” cocktail on my porch. I have all the ingredients, including the juicy raisins.”

Gail, you’re truly welcome, it was a pleasure and really so much fun.

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