This inaugurates our series of How Tos. We start with coffee, considering our addiction to it at home and in the office. It’s our first How To. Please, be kind. The good thing is that our skills as directors and actors can only improve, from here.
How To Make Coffee at Home, as Italians Do

Hello, I enjoyed the film, but have a couple of questions since I make coffee each morning in my moka. How much should I fill the filter? How hot is the fire under it? I have been filling the filter full above the rim of the filter in a little mountain. I put the fire at moderate, and wait. Sometimes it takes quite a while!
Thank you,
Pat, grazie mille for watching!
You shouldn’t put too much coffee in the filter. I put enough moka to fill the filter to the brim and no more. There is a word to express this concept and we are trying to find it and discussing it in the office; we couldn’t find it. Could it be “level” vs “heaping”?
Martina says, also: do not TAMP.
You’re welcome for watching, and thank you for the response. Tomorrow morning, I’ll fill the filter level (like a bocci field) and not peaked like a mountain. And think of you all.
Grazie. And let me know if the coffee improves. It shouldn’t be too strong. It should be smooth.