Bottarga in the LA Times

Unlike the cronut, the latest food trend is old. Very old. In fact, Italian fisherman have been making it for generations.

We have always known bottarga to be one of the best ways to add flavor to Mediterranean dishes and we are overjoyed to read that Irene Virbila from the LA Times thinks so too. We couldn’t agree more with her habit of having a piece of bottarga “on call” in the fridge at all times.

After all, there are so many uses for Bottarga including, Virbila’s favorites: shrimp and tomato topped with a slice of tuna bottarga and, Gustiamo classic, pasta with EVOO and Mullet Bottarga (click here for the recipe). The very best part about Bottarga? “Once opened, bottarga will keep almost forever in the refrigerator,” says Virbila.

Irene, we are so glad that we can help you out by freeing up precious suitcase space. We bring Mullet Bottarga from Sardegna and Tuna Bottarga from Sicily to the USA just for you and for all our Bottarga loving friends!

Photo by: Anne Cusack

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